Hi Tee

You are correct: Opera doesn't do opacity. The best way I have found is to use 
an opaque transparent PNG, which will work on everything not IE6.
For IE6, use one of their opacity "filter:" things.
Not to helpful with those fade effects but it will work in your case.

With Opera I have a feeling the lack of opacity has something to do with Qt - 
the same reason why Konquerer 3.x doesn't do the opacity rule. From my 
reading of the KDE 4 changes using Qt4, opacity is one of the easy things to 
do. I have no idea whether Opera uses Qt4 or 3 but it may filter through in 
time to a new Opera release (try Opera 9.5 beta - it may have it already).

There are some Opera people on this list so maybe they can comment ?

If you present your site like it is - easily readable - should it be a concern 
that Opera isn't doing what you expect? It reads fine in FF and Opera.
Generally Opera users will upgrade pretty quickly when a new version comes out 
so my advice would be to wait until Opera picks up opacity.


On Tue, 13 Nov 2007 12:51:19 pm Tee G. Peng wrote:
> On this site,
> body {background:#FFB701}
> where footer wrap has opacity of 0.92 with a bg color
> #ftr_wrap {background:#0d0d0d;
>       opacity:0.92;}
> and 3 columns has
> #col1, #col2, #col3 {background:#1a1a1a;}
> I think Safari and Firefox got it right, that the 3 columns' elements
> are 'inheriting' the opacity from the #ftr_wrap, which is what I wanted.
> But Opera doen'st seemed to agree.
> http://lotusfromthemud.com/goldenlotus/index.html
> Also, I know I am asking something close to impossible for pixel
> perfect, but is there a way I can make it less obvious between PC and
> Mac for the h1 text.
> I have h1 fontsize first set to 380%, then settled for 3.8em for now.
> <h1 id="logo"><a href="#home">Golden Lotus</a></h1>
> #logo was first floated left with margin-top, the text was 3px lower
> in my PC's FF and Opera, so I changed it to
> #logo {margin-top:290px;position:absolute;}
> It doesn't change at all.
> http://www.lotusfromthemud.com/goldenlotus/mac.png
> http://www.lotusfromthemud.com/goldenlotus/pc.png
> Thanks!
> tee
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