On Nov 12, 2007, at 8:56 PM, Ben Buchanan wrote:

You are correct: Opera doesn't do opacity.

Actually a quick test in Opera 9.24 (PC) shows that Opera does do opacity; so opacity support isn't the issue. Perhaps a selector/ inheritance issue?

Test case:

Hi Ben, thanks for the test. It doesn't quite work in my Mac Opera 9.50 Alpha, when mouse over, nothing happens, but I can see the opacity effect if I select the h1 text.

I  also found another problem, this confirms Opera has Opacity bug.

In the left column of golden lotus's page, I also use the opacity for this id:
#bgtop {background: #efefef;opacity:0.95;border:6px solid #fc5;}
#left_col {background:#fc3;color:#212121;}

probably should remove this div entirey but my first draft was using a rounded corner image for the top of left column, thus extra div was used.

The text in the #left_col should be black text, there in Opera some of the texts are showned in #fc3 color which is the background color of #left_col.



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