> My client wants her image galleries to look the same (if possible) as on
her Power Point Presentation. These images (in PPP) are 
> positioned  absolutely ie a certain cm measurement  from top left in each
case.  The images are of paintings and are NOT  of  uniform size so I am 
> working with different thumbnail sizes.  I have made them a uniform 
maximum 150px high but of course some are a lot wider and do not reach 150px

> vertically.
> http://www.westernwebdesign.com.au/sarwon/slightly.html
> CSS is ul#img
> I have tried giving them ALL a uniform height 150px  regardless of width -
see bottom 4 images - but of course I had to add a new bit of CSS - 
> ul#img2 with a much wider ul#img2 li.
> I have explained that the site should look good at all screen resolutions
and have managed to have it look OK as small  as 800 x 600.
> What I am asking is if there is any other way to lay out an image gallery
other than the way I have done (which I always use but with uniform 
> thumbnails).
> I don't think she will mind if I tell her it is not possible to copy her
PPP exactly  as here we are dealing with a fluid background which needs to >
be able to change with different screen sizes but I want to be sure there is
not another way I can accommodate her wishes.

Hi Lyn,

You may want to check this technique as it allows the images to flow while
keeping them centered vertically/horizontally


Thierry | http://www.TJKDesign.com

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