On Tue, Nov 25, 2008 at 11:23 AM, Brett Patterson
> First of all, No I am not! Second I have tried out differences. Notice the
> difference in file sizes. Thirdly, I did not say that png did not support
> 8-bit, nowhere does it say that, it does however say that GIF only supports
> a maximum of 256 colors. Fourthly, Todd your argument is off subject,
> because neither MIke nor me ever mentioned it looking best, although I would
> have to agree, PNG most certainly does look best, depending on the image.
> And fifthly, Mike, sorry, but no, without using a PNGGauntlet or whatever, I
> am not. All I simply stated is that gif files have to be smaller, (probably
> should have said before) without using pnggauntlet. And I say without,
> because anyone else may not have, or know where to get it. Well...and
> sixthly, I use PNGs just as much you, but there are a lot of times when PNGs
> will not cut the job, and GIFs are, again, majority of the time smaller and
> better.

Brett, I am afraid that you might be using a bad image processing
program that does not do a good job of optimizing PNGs.

Christian Montoya

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