On 28/02/2010 6:18 PM, Brett Goulder wrote:
> I would just point your client to some usability articles and educate
> them why background music is very bad.

although I tend to hate background music, even when it was in vogue way
back when ....

There are valid accessibility reason for playing sound files on page load.

On one project i'm starting work on we are working with what UNESCO
tends to refer to as a lesser used language on the internet.

A lot of information needs to presented, but we also need to take into
account mother language literacy levels, which are quite low in the
target communities. So need to for usability and accessibility reasons
to look at non-textual alternatives to textual material.

So options to enable the playing of audio on page load is quite useful.

Doesn't get around that problem of site navigation, maybe sound snippets
and icons may help, but rendering complex semantics into small icons can
be difficult if not impossible.

This project has definitely shown me how much the web is mired in a
literate model, and am stuggling with how to adapt to a model based on
orality rather than literacy.

> My 2 cents would be to just not do it.

for music I'd agree, for other purposes ....

> http://completeusability.com/regrettable-background-music/
> Bruce P wrote:
>> Smalllll player and an off button one can find immediately is a
>> prerequisite :)
>> Bruce
>> ----- Original Message ----- From: "Lesley Lutomski"
>> <ubu...@webaflame.co.uk>
>> To: <wsg@webstandardsgroup.org>
>> Sent: Saturday, February 27, 2010 6:50 AM
>> Subject: [WSG] Background music on web pages
>>> Hi all,
>>> I apologise if this is off-topic, but I'd really appreciate some advice.
>>> I have clients who insist they want background music on their Web
>>> site. I've tried to dissuade them, but without success.  What is the
>>> most acceptable/least intrusive method of doing this?  UK licensing
>>> requirements differ depending on whether the music is downloadable or
>>> not, so I need to sort out the method in order to advise them on the
>>> licences. I'm still hoping the complexities of the licensing system
>>> will succeed where I've failed and put them off the whole notion, but
>>> in case not, I'd be most grateful for some input here.
>>> Thank you.
>>> Lesley
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Andrew Cunningham
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