The basic plan that I follow is to use % for structural items, which generally 
need to be proportional to other structural items, and ultimately the viewport 
Then, pixels purely for borders and images,
And EMs only for text.

Margins and padding can be either pixels, EMs or % depending on the particular 
situation, ie whether you are using them as structural pieces, for text-indent, 
or for decoration.

My argument for this is that if a box has width:50% or 98% or something like 
that, it is immediately obvious when reading the CSS how big it should end up; 
not nearly so obvious with width:43em
At the other end of the scale, if you want a fine line, then what you really 
want is 1px, or 2px for medium etc, not 0.05em or 0.004%, particularly since 
the latter are more likely to be subject to rounding errors.

With text itself, it should then be obvious that EMs are the most appropriate - 
% may work in a very similar way, but there is plenty of scope for confusion 
with percentages used for structural elements.

As for page-zoom, everyone that I have ever heard comment on it, prefers 
text-zoom, myself included.


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