On Jul 20, 2010, at 7:10 PM, Mathew Robertson wrote:

> On 21 July 2010 11:52, tee <weblis...@gmail.com> wrote:
> EM can fail miserably in below senario for IEs for p, li and span tags due to 
> inheritance making them very tiny and unable to get consistence font size for 
> one block of content in different browsers not just the IE.
> body {font-size: 100.1%}
> p, li {font-size: 0.95em}
> span  {font-size: 0.9em}
> [snipped]
> As a general rule, you shouldn't be putting any font-size in tags, as that 
> will frequently suffer inheritance problems.  This general-rule applies to 
> most attributes on most tags.  The one example where this may not apply, is 
> when defining a reset.

That was just a quick example to illustrate the problem using EM unit when a 
layout has a span (class) 3 level deep or a li 2 level deep. It doesn't matter 
whether the font size is declare in a type selector or a class. The general 
rule that you may stick with, will still fail miserably.

Let me make an example and partially answer Scott's question.
In a eCommerce site, price is showed everywhere in a page, and pricing info are 
stored in one template, we have regular price show in the product listing, in 
cart report, in best selling product block, in recently view product block, in 
checkout, in invoice, in quick report etc etc; then we also have "as low as" 
together with "regular price", "suggested price" vs "our price", or "from x 
price" to "y price". The price maybe wrapped in a p, a div, a li, a td, a dd 
tag, and it can be 2, 3 or 4 level deep of other tags,  with so many variations 
and no matter where the pricing will be showed, the font size of the pricing 
must be consistent with the rest of the content where the block is, or it maybe 
that all pricing, no matter where they get shows up, have to be the same font 
size. Under these condition, whether I have 

span {font-size:0.9em}


.price {font-size:0.9em}

make no differences as far as how it fails in some browsers.

If {font-size:0.9em} change to "{font-size:12px}", I will  be getting 
consistent font-size if it needs to be exact the same font size no matter where 
it shows up.

Using the same pixel unit, with extra rule, I can also get the pricing info's 
font-size be consistent with the rest of text in the same block of content.

Using EM, all I get is headache and madness to try to make something show up 
consistently in the same block of content within the same browser -- this was 
the reason the programmer changed my code back. He needed something be absolute 
consistent, and a chunk of code that can be inserted in any part of the content.


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