Hello All -

I've finally decided that I'd like to <link></link> a single base style
sheet (base.css) into my projects.

The base.css would then @import various other style sheets which would
define the dclarations for project layout, type, color, forms, etc.

I was very excited about trying this until - after just a bit of research -
I found out that IE7 won't recognize media types within an @import

There are a few workarounds posted regarding this issue, but I'd just like
some clarification.

So, I've got:

Base.css - which, at the very top OF THE BASE.CSS STYLESHEET would be:
@import url('css/layout.css') screen;
@import url('css/color.css') screen;
@import url('css/print.css') print;

... And so on.

But, for IE 7 to recognize the media type for each @import, I would need to
re-write top OF THE BASE.CSS STYLESHEET as such:

<style type="text/css" media="screen">
@import url('css/layout.css')

<style type="text/css" media="screen">
@import url('css/color.css')

<style type="text/css" media="print">
@import url('css/print.css')

Is this correct?

Any guidance greatly appreciated!


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