On Jul 24, 2010, at 1:44 AM, Edward Lynn wrote:

> I agree that import doesnt perform too well. Separate the files in whatever 
> way will support the growth of your site best, and make sure you use some 
> sort of combine tool / filter to reduce the number of requests
> Ed
> On Sat, Jul 24, 2010 at 8:18 AM, Oliver Boermans <boerm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Cole
> On Saturday, July 24, 2010, Cole Kuryakin <c...@koisis.com> wrote:
> > Hello All -
> >
> > I've finally decided that I'd like to <link></link> a single base style
> > sheet (base.css) into my projects.

What other said!

If you want to find out what's gone wrong in IE7, maybe try delete the last 
rule for print media, or maybe the " ' " is causing it as it's double quote (") 
according to the spec.

I have done this in the main style sheet for quite a number of sites and it has 
never had issue in IE7.

@import url(css3_support.css);
@import url(blog.css);

The only time  browsers (not just IE) couldn't pick up the @import style sheets 
is when the CMS system that the sites use has a script grouping/compressing all 
linked stylesheets into one.

A side note, I thought browser doesn't load the print media stylesheet unless a 
printing requested by the user. Anybody knows  this for sure?


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