I thank you for that link, David.

The picture I am developing now is this: HTML and CSS should be used strictly for content, structure and formatting.

*Behaviors* are best left to things like Javascript.

Are these two statements ones that most here can buy into? Are they fair statements, accurate reflections of practice and real-world usage?

IOW, there are things we *can* do, and out of that, there are things we ought do, or ought not do, based on the demonstrable.


On Oct 20, 2010, at 9:46 AM, David Dorward wrote:

On 20 Oct 2010, at 16:59, cat soul wrote:

will there be/can there be a new command/property which can be read by each device the way it needs to be?

could there be soon a "touch" command so that you could write the code like:

"hover, do this. If no hover, then touch, do this. If no touch, then ______ and do this"

We shouldn't need it.

We have :hover which can be thought of "When the user is potentially about to activate something" and we have :active which is "When the user is activating something".

That should be enough until you start trying to use :hover for doing things beyond indicating the possibility of activation, and one you start doing that … http://www.cennydd.co.uk/2010/end-hover- abuse-now/

David Dorward

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