Hi Chuck,

Here's what my systems comes back with (Ubuntu 64-bit Native Install), 
objdump -Dlsx, ./file and readelf -e are all showing x86_64.

file ./libfftw3.so.3.3.2: ELF 64-bit LSB  shared object, x86-64, version 
1 (SYSV)

file ./libsamplerate.so.0.1.8: ELF 64-bit LSB  shared object, x86-64, 
version 1 (SYSV)

file ./libportaudio.so.2.0.0: ELF 64-bit LSB  shared object, x86-64, 
version 1 (SYSV)

Another test:

ar x ./libportaudio.a


file ./pa_jack.o: ELF 64-bit LSB  relocatable, x86-64, version 1 (SYSV), 
not stripped
file ./pa_front.o: ELF 64-bit LSB  relocatable, x86-64, version 1 
(SYSV), not stripped

and so on.

readelf -e shows the same things. So I'm at a loss as to why Fedora's is 
requiring the additional packages and / or the linker is behaving the 
way it is. How to get around this with configure / make is also a big 
mystery. If you know hwo to accomplish this on your configuration, lets 
us know.

Greg, KI7MT

On 05/14/2014 02:49 AM, Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX wrote:
> I am running 64 bit Fedora Rawhide.  64 bit systems keep their
> 64 bit libraries in /usr/lib64.  /lib64 is a symbolic link to /usr/lib64.
> This change was made to better suit SSDs as I recall.
> The 4133 configure.ac refuses to generate a Makefile unless 32 bit
> versions of portaudio et al. are installed.  Once installed the linker
> tries to use these 32 bit libs to link the 64 bit object.  Major fail.
> At least with the previous version a Makefile was generated which
> could be corrected to result in a working program.
> On 05/14/2014 01:08 AM, ki7mt wrote:
>> Hi Chuck,
>> I found a couple things that was probably contributing to your issues. I
>> didn't see them locally until I uninstalled the dependencies, then
>> tested each one separately, Samplerate, FFTW and Portaudio. I also added
>> /usr/lib64 to the non-standard search path section. If you have further
>> issues, zip up the config.log and send it over so I can have a look at it.
>> You should do a full clean then build:
>> make clean
>> make distclean
>> svn update
>> ./autogen.sh
>> make  <== assuming no errors
>> If configure fails to find the libs (samplerate, fftw or portaudio), it
>> should exit before creating a new Makefile.
>> Let me know ho things progress.
>> 73's
>> Greg, KI7MT
>> On 05/13/2014 05:09 PM, ki7mt wrote:
>>> Hi Chuck,
>>> On 05/13/2014 04:17 PM, Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX wrote:
>>>> It is getting strange.  I download a fresh wspr and then sh au*sh
>>>> then  ./configure --libdir=/usr/lib64
>>>> --with-portaudio-include-dir=/usr/include
>>>> --with-portaudio-lib-dir=/usr/lib64
>>>> Configure failed to choose f2py3 and did not put anything into LIBS=
>>>> I had to manually add -lportaudio -lfftw3f to compile a copy that works
>>>> with python3 -O wspr.py
>>> Configure wont put anything into LIBS = if it doesn't find them. All
>>> three lib checks are setup the same way, Samplerate, FFTW3f and
>>> Portaudio, with the exception of FFTW3F header check. Adding --libdir
>>> may be affecting things. You should not need
>>> --with-portaudio-include-dir=/usr/include as that path is checked.
>>> However /usr/lib64 is not.
>>> It's odd that Samplerate (headers and lib)  are found, or at least
>>> your not stating that it needs to be added manually.
>>> The F2py check is fiarly straight forward, if f2py -v returns
>>> positive, then t sets it, same for f2py3 -v.  So if they are not in
>>> your system paths, it not going to find / set either one.
>>>> B ut this time the generated .so filename had to periods
>>>> in it so the MV instruction worked as written.
>>>> On 05/13/2014 01:15 PM, ki7mt wrote:
>>>>> Hi Chuck,
>>>>> Thanks for the feedback.
>>>>> On 05/13/2014 05:47 AM, Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX wrote:
>>>>>> Python3 version 3.3.2
>>>>>> f2py3 version 2
>>>>>> f2py version 2
>>>>> Cpython produces different outputs of w* based on the
>>>>> /usr/include/pythonx.xx. For example, on my Python3.4 system the output
>>>>> file is:
>>>>> w.cpython34m.so
>>>>> whereas on the same system, using Python3.2, it was producing
>>>>> w.cpython-32mu.so.
>>>>>> MVSO    := ${MV} w.*.so WsprMod/w.so
>>>>>> had to be changed to
>>>>>> MVSO    := ${MV} w*.so WsprMod/w.so
>>>>>>          note:  globbing != regex
>>>>> That's interesting, !=  I wasn't aware of that combination. In the end,
>>>>> I suppose it doesn't matter if it's w*.so or w.*.so as three aren't any
>>>>> other files that match that combination in the source tree, but there
>>>>> could be, which was why I added w.* v.s. w*.so
>>>>>> 4130 now recognizes f2py3
>>>>>> I added -lportaudio -lfftw3f to LIBS=
>>>>>> and now wspr 4130 compiles and runs.
>>>>> In your final Makefile, after running autogen.sh,  are ( -lportaudio )
>>>>> and ( -lfftw3f ) not listed on the LIBS= line? If not, they should be,
>>>>> if configure found them. You should also get a warning messages if they
>>>>> were not found / included in LIBS. My line shows (after running
>>>>> autogen.sh or autoconf -f -i && ./configure:
>>>>> LIBS        :=     -lsamplerate -lfftw3f -lportaudio
>>>>>> On 05/13/2014 02:37 AM, ki7mt wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi Chuck,
>>>>>>> I looked over potential causes for the issue you have. I found one
>>>>>>> thing
>>>>>>> that may be related, but a new checkout would have failed right at
>>>>>>> the
>>>>>>> beginning of make, so not sure that will resolve your problem.
>>>>>>> I still need the info from my previous post, in addition to that,
>>>>>>> could
>>>>>>> you tell us what Python & Numpy version your using?
>>>>> 73's
>>>>> Greg, KI7MT
>>>>>>> 73's
>>>>>>> Greg, KI7MT
>>>>>>> On 05/13/2014 02:02 AM, Chuck Forsberg WA7KGX wrote:
>>>>>>>> I get the following error when I compile and run wspr 4129
>>>>>>>> [caf@omen3 wspr]$ python3 -O wspr.py
>>>>>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>>>>>           File "wspr.py", line 45, in <module>
>>>>>>>>             from WsprMod import w
>>>>>>>> ImportError: dynamic module does not define init function (PyInit_w)
>>>>>>>> Also the Makefile line
>>>>>>>>             MVSO    := ${MV} w.*.so WsprMod/w.so
>>>>>>>> doesn't work
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