Hi Joe,

Feedback on the documentation. You may want to leave it in, but long
term, just background info here.

Section 3.2 Linux:

The Debian/control file should include the runtime dependencies. They
are ARCH and Release version specific, particularly with the package names.

For example:

On x86_64 systems, the Dependency sections should include the
libgfortran:i386 libqt5multimediawidgets5 libfftw3-single3 + all other
runtime deps. This ensures i386 libgfortran + it's dependencies are
installed for multi-arch usage.

On x84 (i386/i686) systems, the same dependency line would have
something like: libgfortran libqt5multimediawidgets5 libfftw3-single3 +
additional runtimes packages.

The build dependencies are not needed here, only the runtime deps.

If the control file is set correctly (for the target distribution &&
version ) the user should not need to install additional dependencies.

This is the Debian/Ubuntu package maintainers job rather than the
upstream developers. But it is a big bonus if being done by upstream dev's.

For the Release Candidate, this may be the only way to go, as it's
impractical for upstream to build all the variants (Debian Wheezy,
Jessie, Sid / Ubuntu Trusty, Utopic etc etc) as there are far to many
variables to look at. The package maintainers have to work the control
files as necessary.

Greg, KI7MT

On 9/30/2014 18:53, Joe Taylor wrote:
> Hi all,
> Tomorrow I plan to post several updated web pages at the *WSJT Home 
> Page*, http://physics.princeton.edu/pulsar/K1JT/ .  The revised page for 
> WSJT-X will include instructions and links to WSJT-X version 1.4.0 
> installation files, as follows:
> Windows:
> --------------------------------------------------------
> wsjtx-1.4.0-rc2-win32.exe
> Linux:
> --------------------------------------------------------
> wsjtx_1.4.0-rc2_i386.deb    (for Debian, Ubuntu, etc.)
> wsjtx_1.4.0-rc2_amd64.deb   (64-bit)
> wsjtx-1.4.0-rc2.i686.rpm    (for Fedora, Red Hat, etc.)
> wsjtx-1.4.0-rc2.x86_64.rpm  (64-bit)
> Macintosh:
> --------------------------------------------------------
> WSJT-X_rc1_10.7.dmg  (for OS X 10.7, 10.8)
> WSJT-X_rc1_10.9.dmg  (for OS X 10.9)
> Source Code:
> --------------------------------------------------------
> wsjtx-1.4.0-rc2-Source.tar.gz
> I will also post public messages to the "wsjt-devel" and "wsjtgroup" 
> reflectors announcing availability of these beta releases of WSJT-X 1.4.0.
> PLEASE: If you find errors or anything that could be improved in the new 
> "WSJT-X User Guide" that will be posted tomorrow, do let me know! 
> Compiled binaries for our release candidates are frozen as they now 
> stand, but the User Guide will continue to be improved, as needed.
>       -- 73, Joe, K1JT
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Greg, KI7MT

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