I think I got this going pretty well.  I added a Network tab to the
configuration and the settings are saved in the WSJT-X.ini file.
Here's the patch as it is now for review and comments.  A link below for a
client that receives the decoded lines (either localhost on the same
computer or turn broadcast on and see them on another computer on the
nework) and you can double-click an entry to send it to WSJT-X for

A few notes.

#1 The defaults are for the server to be enabled, port 2237 and 2238,
LocalHost only, and it will bring the WSJT-X window to the front.  All
configurable of course.
#2 It's broadcasting the decoded lines on the m_udpPortTx prefixed with "@"
to denote a decodedtext line (making room for other things that may come
up).  This is what clients like JTAlert can receive.
#3 Sending a decoded line to m_udpPortRx (without the "@" to WSJT-X will act
as though you double-clicked on the left hand side for that line, putting
the text in the right hand side and enabling the response as usual.
#4 No responses are sent so it's one-way communication right now
#5 Multi-instance support is interesting..you would only need one instance
of JTAlert to control multiple WSJT-X instances.  This is a potentially
powerful way to have multiple rigs running all controlled from JTAlert.
Since the client (JTAlert) would be sending exact strings of decoded text it
will only match in the appropriate WSJT-X with that decoded text.
#6 If m_Broadcast=true you can control WSJT-X from another computer since
the text lines will be broadcast to all computers as can  the reply from the
#7 The WSJT-X window will be restored from a minimized state and brought to
the front when it receives a valid line for that instance of WSJT-X from the

Line format sent to client is just two fields CSV separated with a leading
"@" to signify a decoded text line which you'll see in the client.


Line format sent to WSJT-X is the "line" portion that was sent to the

Mike W9MDB

Attachment: udpserver.diff
Description: Binary data

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