On 14/04/2015 18:35, SM0THU wrote:
> Hi Bill,
Hi Anders,
> That sounds great.
> One of the reasons for creating my application was to learn Apples new Swift 
> language and Xcode, so that is what I’m using.
OK, I quite like Objective C and Swift is interesting but beware 
disappearing down the Apple proprietary language Rabbit hole ;)
> I’ll have to look into QDataStream and see how I can do that with Swift.
Here is the key information: http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/datastreamformat.html

That page lists how the various supported data types are serialized. All 
the numbers are Big Endian i.e. normal network byte ordering. There will 
be a header and the message formats are implicit i.e. no type ids or 
framing, just read the expected fields in the expected order. Simple and 
compact. Strings will all be encoded as utf-8 and serialized as 
QByteArray types i.e. 32-bit count followed by the string content 
converted to utf-8.

There will be a C++ header file that documents the message format, 
headers, various message types and, content. Here is a provisional 
snapshot of that:

#include <QDataStream>

#include "pimpl_h.hpp"

class QIODevice;
class QByteArray;
class QString;

  * WSJT-X Message Formats
  * ======================
  * All messages are written or  read using the QDataStream derivatives
  * defined below.
  * Type utf8  is a  utf-8 byte  string formatted  as a  QByteArray for
  * serialization purposes  (currently a quint32 size  followed by size
  * bytes, no terminator is present or counted).
  * Schema Version 1:
  * -----------------
  * Message       Direction Value                  Type
  * ------------- --------- ---------------------- -----------
  * Heartbeat     Out       0                      quint32
  *                         Id (unique key)        utf8
  * Status        Out       1                      quint32
  *                         Id (unique key)        utf8
  *                         Dial Frequency (Hz)    quint64
  *                         Mode                   utf8
  *                         DX call                utf8
  *                         Report                 utf8
  *                         Tx Mode                utf8
  * Decode        Out       2                      quint32
  *                         Id (unique key)        utf8
  *                         Time                   QTime
  *                         snr                    qint32
  *                         Delta time (S)         float
  *                         Delta frequency (Hz)   quint32
  *                         Mode                   utf8
  *                         Message                utf8
  * Clear         Out       3                      quint32
  *                         Id (unique key)        utf8
  * Reply         In        4                      quint32
  *                         Id (target unique key) utf8
  *                         Time                   QTime
  *                         snr                    qint32
  *                         Delta time (S)         float
  *                         Delta frequency (Hz)   quint32
  *                         Mode                   utf8
  *                         Message                utf8
  * QSO Logged    Out       5                      quint32
  *                         Id (unique key)        utf8
  *                         Date & Time            QDateTime
  *                         DX call                utf8
  *                         DX grid                utf8
  *                         Dial frequency (Hz)    quint64
  *                         Mode                   utf8
  *                         Report send            utf8
  *                         Report received        utf8
  *                         Tx power               utf8
  *                         Comments               utf8
  *                         Name                   utf8
  * Close         Out       6                      quint32
  *                         Id (unique key)        utf8

namespace NetworkMessage
   enum Type
       maximum_message_type_     // add new message types before here

   quint32 constexpr pulse {15}; // seconds

   // NetworkMessage::Build - build a message containing serialized Qt types
   // Message is big endian format
   // Header format:
   //    32-bit unsigned integer magic number 0xadbccbda
   //    32-bit unsigned integer schema number
   // Payload format:
   //    As per  the QDataStream format,  see below for version used and
   //    here:
   //      http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/datastreamformat.html
   //    for the serialization details for each type.
   class Builder
     : public QDataStream
     static quint32 constexpr magic {0xadbccbda}; // never change this

     // increment this if a newer Qt schema is required and add decode
     // logic to InputMessageStream below
     static quint32 constexpr schema_number {1};

     explicit Builder (QIODevice *, Type, QString const& id);
     explicit Builder (QByteArray *, Type, QString const& id);
     Builder (Builder const&) = delete;
     Builder& operator = (Builder const&) = delete;

     void common_initialization (Type type, QString const& id);

   // NetworkMessage::Reader - read a message containing serialized Qt types
   // Message  is as  per NetworkMessage::Builder  above, the schema()
   // member  may be  used  to  determine the  schema  of the original
   // message.
   class Reader
     : public QDataStream
     explicit Reader (QIODevice *);
     explicit Reader (QByteArray const&);
     Reader (Reader const&) = delete;
     Reader& operator = (Reader const&) = delete;
     ~Reader ();

     quint32 schema () const;
     Type type () const;
     QString id () const;

     class impl;
     pimpl<impl> m_;

So a message will be like:

Magic number id:  0xabbccbda
Schema number: 0x00000001
followed by the serialized payload.

So for example a two field payload of a single string of length 10 that 
maps to a 10 byte utf-8 sequence and a 32 bit number would form a 
message of length 26 bytes:

the eight byte header above
a string count of 10 serialized as a 32 bit unsigned BE number (4 bytes)
the 10 utf-8 bytes
4 bytes of the number in BE format.

The real messages have a payload header as well which is an unsigned 
32-bit number for the message type followed by a utf-8 string that 
identifies the "arena" of the message. This last field the the same 
unique string that identifies the instance of WSJT-X i.e. "WSJT-X" for 
the default instance or "WSJT-X - rigname" for a WSJT-X instance started as:

wsjtx --rig-name=rigname

The message server (your application) cannot broadcast messages but it 
can reply to a client (a WSJT-X instance) that it has received messages 
from beforehand. This is sort of similar to a web server that serves 
many clients except that the bulk of the data flows from client to 
server and the protocol is UDP.
> 73
> /Anders
>> On 14 Apr 2015, at 19:23, Bill Somerville <g4...@classdesign.com> wrote:
>> On 14/04/2015 17:57, Anders Östlund wrote:
>>> Hi,
>> Hi Anders,
>>> I'm writing a program that is kind of a JT-Alert alternative, but for Mac 
>>> OS X.
>>> Being able to trigger a reply to a CQ from externally would be a great 
>>> feature.
>>> I've got Mike's patch to work on r5068. Before trying to get it to work on a
>>> more recent commit, I just want to ask if there has been more work done on
>>> this already.
>> Yes, I am close to committing a full functioning version with a formal
>> message protocol that is extensible. I am adding some other messages
>> (outgoing from WSJT-X) that should be useful to applications like
>> JTAlert and yours such as status updates, WSJT-X closedown and
>> notification of QSOs logged.
>> The protocol is binary and pretty simple, based on the Qt QDataStream
>> serialization capability. I am testing my changes right now after a
>> final clean up before check in, currently it is broken but I should have
>> it all working again shortly.
>>> I'd be happy to help out with testing or coding, if needed.
>> OK. What is your choice of implementation language and tools for your
>> application? I would like to have some reference code for various
>> platforms for usage of the message protocol. C++ with Qt I have in hand
>> already.
>>> 73
>>> /Anders - SM0THU
>>> http://jt-bridge.eller.nu
>> 73
>> Bill
>> G4WJS.
>>> Bill Somerville <g4wjs@...> writes:
>>>> Hi Mike,
>>>> some more comments:
>>>> I think it would be sensible to include the instance name in the
>>>> broadcast datagram as a third field. You can use the method
>>>> QApplication::applicationName() result as the instance name.
>>>> There is no need to call member functions with an explicit this pointer,
>>>> that is not idiomatic C++, so:
>>>> this->member();
>>>> becomes:
>>>> member();
>>>> In MainWindow::doCallCQ() there is no need to write to the RHS decoded
>>>> text window, MainWindow::doubleClickOnCall() does that for you.
>>> [...]
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