On 17/01/2016 10:44, Richard Bown wrote:
> We seem to have a literacy problem on this list which I'm getting very hacked 
> off about
> I realise that English is a language that sounds the same but since getting 
> Websterised
> on the American continental mass no longer translates to the same meaning.
> But if the original post was properly read I was offering help to Paul, not 
> trying encroach on the
> PPA kingdoms..
> And while having a moan, how about the option on wsjtx without hamlib, there 
> are still a few hams
> that know which end of the soldering iron gets hot and build our own 
> transceivers, and dont wish to
> make them remote controlled
> But your answer does explain why for so long the only prebuilt wsjt package 
> available to linux
> users has been 5.9, one rule for linux and another for windows
Hi Richard,

I will try and address the many issues you raise there.

We understand what you are trying to do but please listen as well as 
tell. The issue with "unauthorized" distributions is a long standing one 
where some who monitor this list and learn how to build WSJT-X like to 
feed the constant demand for the latest and greatest tweaks to the 
application. We are quite happy with those who do that for their own 
consumption and happier still if they keep up to date and feedback their 
input so long a it is focused and helpful. Unfortunately we also get a 
lot of "such and such build doesn't work, it's not good enough, fix it 
NOW!". When the build in question is one of the developers work in 
progress being shared with other developers, not expected to work, a 
step on the way to a future enhancement, it becomes very wearing and 
consumes scarce development resources that are much better spent on what 
they were trying to complete before the interruption.

You are clearly not in the above category but excuse us if we ask that 
all honour the GPLv3 licence that covers WSJT-X and refrain from 
offering binary distributions without permission from the copyright holder.

Personally I think Greg went a bit far and it may seem like he is trying 
to stop you helping Paul. OTOH I can understand his frustration as both 
you and Paul seem to be ignoring the good advice on how to resolve his 
issue. The underlying message from Greg is that WSJT-X builds on the 
Raspberry Pi2 are just fine, several users have completed them and are 
running the application. The errors are simply due to resource limitations.

With respect to the errors, can Paul or anyone who is trying to help 
him, give us some feedback. Is he doing a parallel build (-j)? Has he 
tried a sequential build (no -j)? Has he tried increasing the virtual 
memory limit for the process running the build? Has the issue been resolved?

With respect to Hamlib, WSJT-X is build with Hamlib support, with HRD 
support, with DX Lab Suite support, and on Windows with OmniRIg support. 
You also have the option to select "None" for CAT control if you do not 
have a rig with CAT capabilities. What is your problem specifically?

With respect to WSJT, the development focus has shifted to WSJT-X and 
MAP65. These two applications will probably provide all the best 
functionality from WSJT and WSPR but this is an evolutionary process and 
it takes time. The main interest of the development team is 
experimentation and sharing the results of their labours with the 
community. WSJT is maintained but it does not get the volume of input 
that WSJT-X currently gets. There are only so many who have the time, 
skills and willingness to contribute at the development level and 
working on all the applications at once is not possible.

One of my goals in my early contributions was to make building and 
packaging across at least Linux, OS X and Windows seamless and possible 
with every release. I  chose to do this with WSJT-X which is why WSJT-X 
has much better cross platform support than the other applications which 
rely on Joe doing the builds and maintenance himself. If you want to 
help with packaging WSJT and helping with maintenance and enhancements 
then do that rather than complaining that packages are not being produced.


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