On 04/12/2016 14:08, Black Michael wrote:
So v1=1, v2=7, v3=0, rev=7359
if (v1 >=1 && v2>=7 && v3>=0 && rev >=7358) then revision_is_available
Bad example I know but that's the idea, right?

And I know this is futuristic....but...
How would you determine an SHA value is greater than another SHA value?

Hi Mike,

"rev >= 7358" is meaningless, the only check on revision that can be used sensibly is "rev == r7358". Greater than (or equal) does not imply newer functionality, please read my comments above again if you do not understand this.

SHA values from DVCS like git do not "ascend", they are a hash checksum of the change differences, the commit comment and other change header content, I believe. Their only purpose are to form a unique label for a commit i.e. the state of the repository just after the change is applied.


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