Hi Edson,

On 3/3/2017 11:09 AM, Edson W. R. Pereira wrote:
> Hello Joe and Mike,
> Since I was the one who implemented the level meter, I have a
> suggestion: Please don't make the level meter change colors depending of
> the dB level. It makes it rather difficult to read for those of us with
> not so good eyes. It is perhaps better to change the color of the text
> or background of the dB label, if the feature is really needed. I
> personally find that the way the level meter works now is very clear,
> elegant and not visually intrusive.
> 73, Edson PY2SDR

Thanks for weighing in on this topic.  I agree that we don't want to 
introduce any flashing color changes that become a distraction.

In normal operation the warnings I had in mind should appear very 
seldom, if at all.  They would simply draw attention to problems such as 
no audio input, or audio input that is far too high.

I don't have a strong opinion about how such warnings might best be 
displayed.  Maybe background color of the dB label is a good idea.

        -- Joe

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