The first hour test had issues, which many have commented on. The first 40
minutes produced no qso with N1DG. Then he turned it over to Joe, K1JT for
the last 20.

I worked Joe on the 2nd call or so, no issues.

I don't know if N1DG had computer issues or fell victim to a recurrent bug,
but that's what these tests are for.

The second hour produced a qso in about two minutes. No issues noted before
I had to leave on a trip out of town.

In both cases, all 3 Foxes were VERY strong, running S9 +10 to +20 dB from
the East Coast with SNR's of all 5 streams never less than +3

The West Coast was never less +3 to +5 SNR with S9 +10 dB signal levels.

I look forward to the "official" summary, the test went very well and
should reveal some important issues. Thanks to Joe and the Team for their

I should also note that JTAlert logged the QSOs (both) without difficulty.

FT8 Sent: +12 Rcvd: -04 (K1JT)
FT8 Sent: +15 Rcvd: -03  (W7/KH7Z)
FT8 Sent: +15 Rcvd: -03 Notes:I was running about 15w to a TH3MK4 @ 52'. I
tried calling with 5W for the first 40m of the first hour and got nothing.
I think I would have been heard, had the computer/software been performing
properly for N1DG.

Much like last time, it was obvious that some stations either did not read
or did not comprehend the instructions.  People were calling at the same
time Joe was transmitting (impossible if using the proper software
version), Calling before they heard the Fox (before the actual starting
time), Calling without a signal report from the wrong portion of the band,
Complaining about how long things were taking, when it was obvious a bug
had surfaced, etc.
73, N0AN


On Thu, Apr 5, 2018 at 9:49 AM, Joe Taylor <> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I write to remind you of the second public test of *FT8 DXpedition Mode*
> scheduled for Saturday, April 7, 1400-1600 UTC.  You are cordially invited
> to participate -- the more participants, the better!
> Our main goal is to simulate pileups in which many "Hounds" call and
> attempt to work a desirable rare DX station, the "Fox".  The test will help
> us to improve our software so as to maximize the practical QSO rate in such
> situations.  We hope you can be there and try to work both Foxes.
> Here's the detailed schedule:
> Date      UTC   Frequency    Fox Callsign  Operator
> ---------------------------------------------------
> April 7  1400   14.105 MHz    W1/KH7Z       N1DG
> April 7  1500   14.105        W7/KH7Z       AA7A
> All participating stations must use program version WSJT-X v1.9.0-rc3. If
> you don't yet have it, download links are available near the bottom of the
> page here:
> [If you are compiling the program for yourself, be sure to use code
> revision r8576 or later, taken from the repository's WSJT-X development
> branch.  All revisions since r8576 will perform identically in FT8
> DXpedition Mode.]
> Detailed instructions for both Fox and Hound are posted here:
> Some details in these instructions have changed, so be sure to read and
> follow the latest instructions carefully!  Don't just try to wing it.
> As you will know after reading the instructions, Fox can conduct up to 5
> QSOs simultaneously, using frequency slots spaced by 60 Hz.  Fox
> transmissions always occur in the frequency range 300-900 Hz above dial
> frequency.
> If you (as a Hound) can legitimately use more than one callsign -- your
> spouse's call, club call, etc. -- feel free to work each Fox multiple
> times.  No dupe QSOs with the same call, though.
> Real-time liaison will be available on the "Ping Jockey Relief" chat page
> (PJB), .  Everyone should
> monitor this page for possible last-minute announcements of a frequency
> change, etc.  To ensure that announcements from Fox stations are easily
> visible, Hounds should monitor PJB but not post messages there during the
> test.
> The deepest pileups will help us tune the final-release software version
> for optimum performance on both Fox and Hound sides.  After the test,
> please post any comments you feel will be helpful to one of our two email
> forums, or .
> You will need to be subscribed to the list in order to post there.
> We sincerely hope you can join us for this test, and that you will work
> both Foxes!
>         -- 73, Joe, K1JT (for the WSJT Development Group)
> ------------------------------------------------------------
> ------------------
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