
Thank you for your response.

I will not count any synch words reduction for my calculation.




Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

From: Tsutsumi Takehiko <>
Sent: Friday, July 6, 2018 10:55:59 AM
To: WSJT software development
Subject: RE: [wsjt-devel] Observation on Expedition Mode


I am waiting your response to my previous message to recalculate additional 
gain for myself.

To make sure my intention, I described the inquiry as follow.

One FT8 frame has 7x7x3 =147 bits synch words and I understand current DX 
Pedition mode locates them in each FDM slot. Thus, we can shrink them from 147 
x 5 (= 735) to 147 bit in TDM frame at N=5 slots.

– Synchronization: 7×7 Costas arrays at start, middle, and end

I am waiting your response soon.




Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

From: Tsutsumi Takehiko <>
Sent: Thursday, July 5, 2018 1:09:38 PM
To: WSJT software development
Subject: RE: [wsjt-devel] Observation on Expedition Mode


It is good to hear from you to increase your calculation about my additional 
gain proposal  from +(1~8) dB to +(1.5~8) dB.

If you look into synch words, you may be able to get another additional gain.




Sent from Mail<> for Windows 10

From: Joe Taylor <>
Sent: Wednesday, July 4, 2018 11:27:08 PM
To: WSJT software development
Subject: Re: [wsjt-devel] Observation on Expedition Mode

Hi Take,

On 7/4/2018 9:20 AM, Tsutsumi Takehiko JA5AEA wrote:

> Concerning the “second +4dB term”, I remember Bill’s suggestion included
> hashing of callsign (I used the number of (28-15) x 5 = 65 bit
> reduction). I also reduced five 7x7 synch to one 7x7 synch, which I am
> not sure whether Bill included. I will not further describe the details
> to defend my ballpark number but I can say I disagree with your 0.6dB
> gain calculation, here.

Yes, if you convey less information you can achieve a lower threshold
SNR for decoding.

For this discussion I had assumed 11x28 = 308 bits for callsigns and 5x6
=30 bits for signal reports, 338 bits total.  Compared with the 5x75 =
375 bits for 5xFT8, this leads to a gain of ~0.5 dB.  Steve quoted 0.6
dB because he used 3-bit rather than 6-bit reports.

If we use 13-bit hashes for the callsigns being sent "RR73", the total
would be 6x28 + 5x13 + 5x6 = 263 bits.  Compared to 5xFT8, this yields
10log(375/263) = 1.5 dB.

Apparently you are suggesting something like 150-bit information
content, since 10log(375/150) = 4 dB.  This is not at all the same thing
as 5 FT8 messages.

> As I write to Steve, I do not have any intention to sell or stick to my
> +8dB number. If you feel uncomfortable, please deal it to + (1~8)dB
>   additional gain proposal .

No problem -- we are happy to discuss these things with you!

        -- 73, Joe, K1JT

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