Long time Linux user here too. I'm running Kubuntu 18.04, but have considered switching to Linux Mint with the XFCE desktop. Being a long time Linux user, I tend to compile from source 99+ percent of the time.  Old habits are hard to break :)   I haven't seen many of the problems compiling or running RC3 that other users are reporting.  For me it compiles fine, seems to receive fine and transmit fine. There does seem to be a hiccup that occurs at times when one double clicks on a call calling CQ.  Seems like they don't hear you at first and the auto sequence calls again. At times during a QSO, something similar happens at times when your QSO partner expects a signal report. I've seen it infrequent enough that I figure it's just band conditions.

At any rate, I'm looking forward to the test next week.

As a side note, would someone tell me where in the source code is the code located that displays the popup help when you mouse over an option?  Is that done with the JAVA code?



On 10/20/18 10:01 PM, Paul Bramscher wrote:
Hi Adam--

I compiled it yesterday, but these notes are not guaranteed to be 100%.
This was done to a Debian 9 machine, fully patched, which had previously
used the JTSDK to build WSJT-X 1.9.1.  I took the latest source snapshot
for 2.0.0 RC3.  These are new dependencies and musings/considerations
(written for myself):

Create a jtsource directory and decompress the source there.
Decide on a destination executable directory and create that also.
For example .local and/or a version-specific directory name.  And that
should be indicated in the later cmake command (example below is only

These appeared to be necessary dependencies:

sudo cmake -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="/usr/bin/g++" -D
CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER="/usr/bin/gfortran-6" -D

sudo cmake --build . --target install

Possibly necessary also:


I'm not sure this helps anyone, but it compiled on Debian for me -- and
something similar should work for most Debian-based distros.

73, KD0KZE / Paul

On 10/20/2018 1:56 PM, Adam Schaible wrote:
Paul -

Totally new to this list (in fact this is my first post here) but I've
also been compiling the 2.0.0 RC releases from source for Linux, not by
choice but by necessity (my current desktop distro of choice uses
neither .deb nor .rpm installers) and have run into the usual dependency
wackiness at build time. I decided early on to ignore JTSDK as the new
version doesn't support Linux and the older version is several years old.

I've powered through the error messages line by line, installing all the
needed dependencies one by one and WSJT-X is now usable but a bit buggy,
was planning a side-by-side test with the latest RC3 .rpm on my Fedora
box some time in the next couple days. Not sure how much the rest of
this list (as majority non-Linux users) is interested in our adventures,
but I'd be interested in sharing build notes with you either here or
outside the list if you're game.

73 de Adam KB3ZUV

On Sat, Oct 20, 2018, at 11:13 AM, Paul Bramscher wrote:
Great to hear about the upcoming 2.0.0 major release of WSJT-X.  I've
been compiling my own versions of WSJT-X with the JTSDK for the past
few years (Debian Linux, AMD64).  Will that project on SourceForge be
updated when the new general release becomes available?  The JTSDK
is/was a really handy tool for keeping things (incl. hamlib) up to date.

I was able to compile 2.0.0 RC3 manually from source yesterday, but it
was a bit tedious (and some guesswork) to chase down all necessary


73, KD0KZE / Paul

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