Good morning Linux WSJT-X fans,

Awesome discussion going on in this thread, using all the feedback so far I've 
gone and hacked up some build scripts for RC3 on a couple different Linux 
distros (Debian and Solus). First some banter and then, the scripts.

1) Scripts use Paul's cmake flags and attempt to be compliant with Bill's 
statement on build permissions. You do still need to run the scripts as sudo to 
install dependencies up top but I've reduced permissions down below where the 
actual build takes place. 

2) Scripts are tested and working on stock Debian 9 (AWS t2.micro instance), 
Raspbian Stretch (this is for you Evariste, I compiled it on my Pi 3+), and 
Solus 3.9999 (my Dell laptop). Bill will probably be able to find several more 
superfluous packages in my script(s) beyond what Paul has mentioned but those 
can always be cleaned up later on, I just want to get something up and running 
to share with everyone ASAP. 

3) What is Solus? It's a new, cheerfully minimalist Linux distro that uses 
neither .deb nor .rpm files, so there is no other way to get WSJT-X RC3 running 
on it other than to build from source. I had been using Mint for over five 
years and while Stan is considering migrating to it, I've moved completely off 
because of some very bad experiences upgrading to Mint 19 a couple months ago 
(particularly the new "Timeshift" feature which bludgeoned my hard drive almost 
beyond recognition). Hopefully Stan has better luck than I did. Meanwhile I 
plan on contacting the Solus devs to see if they will consider packaging WSJT-X 
in their own ".eopkg" format for when 2.0 is officially released, and if not, 
I'll probably move over to the Arch Linux distro family and write/maintain a 
WSJT-X 2.0 PKGBUILD for the AUR (Arch User Repository) if someone else doesn't 
beat me to the punch.

Tnx es 73 de Adam KB3ZUV

#---------------RUN ME WITH SUDO-------------
#first the obligatory OS patches
apt update && apt upgrade -y
#add user to dialout group allowing rig CAT control on next login
#(if you use VOX you don't actually need this)
usermod -a -G dialout $SUDO_USER
#install a whole bunch of dependencies to compile WSJT-X
#g++ is in build-essential along with lots of other good stuff
apt install -y build-essential gfortran-6 libfftw3-dev \
libqt5x11extras5-dev libtool libudev-dev libusb-1.0.0-dev \
python-pkgconfig python-pyqt5 qtmultimedia5-dev texinfo \
libqt5serialport5 libqt5serialport5-dev cmake automake asciidoc \
asciidoctor libxslt1-dev docbook-xsl xsltproc libxml2-utils git
#create some directories for WSJT-X
sudo -u $SUDO_USER mkdir /home/$SUDO_USER/jtsource
sudo -u $SUDO_USER mkdir /home/$SUDO_USER/.wsjtx
#grab and unzip the source code from Princeton
wget --no-check-certificate \
sudo -u $SUDO_USER tar -xzvf wsjtx-2.0.0-rc3.tgz \
-C /home/$SUDO_USER/jtsource
cd /home/$SUDO_USER/jtsource/wsjtx-2.0.0-rc3
#set build options
sudo -u $SUDO_USER cmake -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="/usr/bin/g++" \
-D CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER="/usr/bin/gfortran-6" \
#build WSJT-X on Debian
sudo -u $SUDO_USER cmake --build . --target install

#--------------RUN ME WITH SUDO-------------
#first the obligatory OS patches
eopkg -y up
#add user to dialout group allowing rig CAT control on next login
#(if you use VOX you don't actually need this)
usermod -a -G dialout $SUDO_USER
#install a whole bunch of dependencies to compile WSJT-X
#g++ is in system.devel along with lots of other good stuff
eopkg -y it -c system.devel && eopkg -y it git fftw-devel \
qt5-multimedia-devel qt5-connectivity-devel qt5-serialport-devel \
ruby-devel libusb-devel asciidoc
#asciidoctor is not in Solus repo and has to be added as a Ruby gem
gem install asciidoctor
#create some directories for WSJT-X
sudo -u $SUDO_USER mkdir /home/$SUDO_USER/jtsource 
sudo -u $SUDO_USER mkdir /home/$SUDO_USER/.wsjtx
#grab and unzip the source code from Princeton
wget --no-check-certificate \
sudo -u $SUDO_USER tar -xzvf wsjtx-2.0.0-rc3.tgz \
-C /home/$SUDO_USER/jtsource
cd /home/$SUDO_USER/jtsource/wsjtx-2.0.0-rc3
#set build options
sudo -u $SUDO_USER cmake -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="/usr/bin/g++" \
-D CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER="/usr/bin/gfortran" \
#build WSJT-X on Solus
sudo -u $SUDO_USER cmake --build . --target install

  Adam Schaible

On Sun, Oct 21, 2018, at 4:03 AM, Bill Somerville wrote:
> On 21/10/2018 04:01, Paul Bramscher wrote:
> > These appeared to be necessary dependencies:
> > g++
> > gfortran-6
> > libfftw3-dev
> > libqt5x11extras5-dev
> > lib-qt5serialport
> > lib-qt5serialport-dev
> > libtool
> > libudev-dev
> > libusb-1.0.0-dev
> > python-pkgconfig
> > python-pyqt5
> > qtmultimedia5-dev
> > texinfo
> >
> > sudo cmake -D CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER="/usr/bin/g++" -D
> > CMAKE_Fortran_COMPILER="/usr/bin/gfortran-6" -D
> >
> > sudo cmake --build . --target install
> >
> > Possibly necessary also:
> >
> > python-pyqt5.qtmultimedia
> >
> Hi Paul,
> you may find these comments helpful.
> 1) there are no Python dependencies for WSJT-X,
> 2) there should be no need to install both a -dev and run tie version of 
> a package, installing the -dev package alone will also install the run 
> time components,
> 3) you can avoid having to install the large texinfo package by 
> configuring the WSJT-X build to skip the build of the manpages (-D 
> 4) never run a CMake configuration with root privileges, also in your 
> case as your install prefix is in your home directory you so you do not 
> need root privileges for the CMake build command either,
> 5) CMake should discover the compilers it needs by itself,
> 6) you should create a build directory and run your CMake commands with 
> that as the current working directory, building in the source tree is 
> strongly discouraged. Simply select the source tree root in the CMake 
> configuration command by specifying it as the last parameter instead of 
> '.' as you have above.
> 73
> Bill
> G4WJS.
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