On 29/04/2019 16:05, Grant VK5GR wrote:

At the risk of incurring the wrath of the JT65 folks, your suggestion in my mind has some merit. I would go as far to say an alternate strategy is to take the old JT65 frequencies and use them for FT4, and have the JT65 folks move to the JT9 channels – grouping both of the weak signal modes together in one segment. WSJT can decode both simultaneously and neither JT65 or JT9 has a lot of traffic these days so maybe that is the ultimate for everyone – given that in days gone by JT9 and JT65 used to share anyway to an extent).

You could apply that across the board – with the exception of Region 3 on 80m. I would agree with the compromise that Bill has suggested with 3568 in R3 and 3575 elsewhere (n fact make it 3576 and follow the above suggested convention).

Bill – a different approach – do you think it has merit?

HI Grant and George,

I agree that it could work but it will compress all the 60 T/R modes into a 2 kHz section. Although that is not unreasonable it does have the issue that there is no decoder that can decode JS8CALL and JT9 and JT65. The dual mode JT9+JT65 decoder in WSJT-X relies on JT9 signals being separated above other signals and decoder performance is severely degraded if that is not the case.

Anyway, for now we are going with my suggested changes since we have a deadline rushing up towards us. We are only into a beta testing phase and changes can still be made without too much disruption once we have a better feel for how FT4 is going to be used.

In summary WSJT-X v2.1.0 RC5 will have the following FT4 suggested frequencies (the Iter1 column):

Band Iter0   Iter1   Notes
80    3595    3575   (plus 3568 Region 3)
40    7090    7047
30   10140   10140
20   14140   14080
17   18104   18104
15   21140   21140
12   24919   24919
10   28180   28180
 6   50318   50318
 2  144170  144170


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