Did you do a frequency reset?
de Mike W9MDB


    On Tuesday, July 16, 2019, 01:53:27 PM CDT, Marco Calistri 
<py1...@outlook.com> wrote:  
 In my case, with OpenSuse Tumbleweed 64 bits, I have an RPM package
which helps to adjust Qt5 settings and I have selected Style=QtCurve.

The Style=Fusion is also available though. (see picture annexed)

The WSJT-X frequencies list looks like the attached image.


73 de Marco, PY1ZRJ (former IK5BCU)

Il 16/07/19 12:40, Dave Slotter, W3DJS ha scritto:
> Adding "--style=fusion" to my local desktop file makes the pop-up menu
> wide enough for me. (Actually, slightly too wide, but I can live with
> that.) I'm using Ubuntu 16.04 with otherwise-standard desktop.
> Thanks for sharing that tip, Richard!
> --
> Dave Slotter, W3DJS <https://www.qrz.com/db/W3DJS>
> On Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 11:27 AM Richard Shaw <hobbes1...@gmail.com
> <mailto:hobbes1...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>    The default "style" on Fedora didn't work well either, probably gtk2
>    so I added --style=fusion to the desktop file and that works well...
>    $ cat /usr/share/applications/wsjtx.desktop
>    [Desktop Entry]
>    Version=1.0
>    Name=wsjtx
>    Comment=Amateur Radio Weak Signal Operating
>    Exec=wsjtx --style=fusion
>    Icon=wsjtx_icon
>    Terminal=false
>    X-MultipleArgs=false
>    Type=Application
>    Categories=AudioVideo;Audio;HamRadio;
>    StartupNotify=true
>    X-Desktop-File-Install-Version=0.23
>    Thanks,
>    Richard
>    KF5OIM

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