I’m having a problem where FT8 signals randomly stop decoding.  When in this 
state, the main window ‘Decode’ button remains highlighted.  When working 
normally, this button is highlighted briefly at the end of each cycle and then 
changes to non-highlighted after decoding completes.

Do you have the same behavior?


Alan (NX1W)

> On Sep 4, 2019, at 5:24 AM, Ken Chandler <g0...@sky.com> wrote:
> Hi guys
> I hope someone can make sense of this as I've completely lost all decode on 
> FT4.
> During WWDIGI my log contained 250 odd QSO's all bands, most of those were on 
> FT4.
> On Monday 1st sept, I set up N1MM + WSJT-X for the RSGB trial FT4 contest on 
> 80m.
> I did some tests with a friend on the south coast and decoded ok with 100w.
> However afterward others called in and I could not decode them.
> During the RSGB trial FT4 contest (one hour duration) the waterfall was full 
> of stations.
> I actually worked G4OGB early on but no other Stn was decoded though I could 
> see plenty were calling me on the waterfall.
> I've reloaded 64bit software on an i7 Nuc, with Microham keyer, K3, with this 
> setup I've worked a few Thousand QSO's.
> Please note
> Running just WSJT-X and FT8 decodes great.
> I tried this yesterday on 20m, switching to FT4 14080.00 lots of stn's active 
> ....no decode!!!
> Regards
> Ken.. G0ORH
> Sent from my iPad
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