Hi Mark,

Thanks for this.  I'll probably take the second option.  I'll let you know
when I have it working.  Do you think it will work on Linux too?

Should I know what Alien is?  It seems like some sort of framework for
installing wxPerl.  I looked at the doc on CPAN, but I wasn't much clearer.



-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Dootson [mailto:mark.doot...@znix.com] 
Sent: 14 April 2010 17:44
To: Steve Cookson
Cc: wxPerl users
Subject: Re: How to add a new module to Wx


If you have a working Perl + compiler combination, then the standard 
stuff should work :-

Download tarball or svn for Alien-wxWidgets:
In the source:

perl Build.PL
perl Build
perl Build test
perl Build install

Download tarball or svn for Wx
In the source:

perl Makefile.PL
perl make
perl make test
perl make install

You'll need the latest ExtUtils::XSpp (0.09) so
cpan Extutils::XSpp
(or PPM or whatever)

The crucial thing seems to be the "working Perl + compiler combination", 
which isn't always as straightforward as it might be. There's detail on 
how the PPMs for Wx are built at http://www.wxperl.co.uk/building/ which 
may contain useful info, depending on your setup.

I think that for most users, if 'cpan' works in general on their setup, 
then 'cpan Wx' should work too. So building from the tarballs / svn 
should similarly work OK without further trouble.



On 14/04/2010 18:52, Steve Cookson wrote:
> Hi Mark,
> Thanks again for this.  I'm happy to test the revisions you very kindly
> made. But I'm not clear how to start.
> I've been happily coding in wxPerl for the last year or so and using Perl
> the glue to call other applications, like SWI-Prolog (which is amazing, if
> you haven't tried it) and Ffmpeg to do simple video editing/processing.
> wxWidgets has a wonderful array of components like wxMediaCtrl which I use
> as the front-end to display what Ffmpeg is doing.
> However, I've not (until now) lifted the bonnet on wxPerl and looked at
> makes it tick.
> If I download the GNU tarball, can I do the usual Makefile.PL, make, make
> test, make install on it, or is there another way?
> I'll continue to investigate, but if you get this before I find the
> I'd be grateful to hear from you.
> Regards
> Steve
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Dootson [mailto:mark.doot...@znix.com]
> Sent: 13 April 2010 14:03
> To: wxperl-users@perl.org
> Cc: Mattia Barbon<mattia.bar...@libero.it>; Steve Cookson
> Subject: Re: How to add a new module to Wx
> Hi,
> I thought I'd chip in with a populated template for Steve to test.
> However, basic testing here brought up a problem. wxRichTextPrinting has
> no wxRTTI information (there's no IMPLEMENT_CLASS macro) so the wxPerl
> code ( wxPli_object_2_sv ) throws warnings.
> The attached patch wraps wxRichTextPrinting but is not applied to SVN as
> the wxRichTextPrinting constructor code is none standard. It does what
> wxPli_object_2_sv would do if wxRichTextPrinting had ClassInfo. I'm
> fairly sure this is OK because wxRichTextPrinting inherits directly from
> wxObject and, as there is no need to wrap wxRichTextPrinting to handle
> Perl virtual methods, I don't think there is anywhere else in the wxPerl
> code that would attempt to reference the missing class info.
> My question to Mattia is, this seems wrong and a bit of a hack. Is there
> a better way to handle it?
> I suppose the correct fix is to patch wxRichTextPrinting to implement
> wxRTTI, but this would not help any existing 2.8.x installations.
> Some simple usage has been added to wxDemo in SVN. I've tested the patch
> building and with the basic wxDemo usage on msw/linux/mac with wxWidgets
> 2.8.10, and all seems to work OK.
> Apologies to Steve if you have already been tackling this. It wasn't my
> original intention to just wrap the classes, but solving the above
> problem meant I ended up with the classes more or less wrapped anyway.
> Regards
> Mark
> On 10/04/2010 09:40, Mattia Barbon wrote:
>> Steve Cookson wrote:
>> Hi,
>>> I'm not sure whether I should be sending this to the group or directly
>>> to Mattia
>> Better to the group (it will be in the archives, and there are other
>> people beside me that have some experience in wrapping wxWidgets
>>> but I'm trying to understand how to print a wxRichTextCtrl from
>>> wxPerl. I understand that wxRichTextPrinting and wxRichTextPrintout
>>> are not implemented yet in wxPerl.
>> Correct.
>>> So I need to do something to access the original C++ code (maybe wrap
>>> or re-write). Re-writing seems to be an easier route as I don't
>>> understand the Wx XS framework that Mattia uses. However, it would be
>>> a bit anti-social. It would be better to use the current wxPerl
>>> framework.
>> I wouldn't call it antisocial, but wrapping the C++ code is definitely
>> more maintainable in the long run.
>>> As far as I can see the wxPerl framework is dll driven and provides an
>>> XS-based interface to the dlls? Is that right?
>> Correct.
>>   >  There seems to be some
>>> automation/facilitation of the process, but it's not clear to me how
>>> it works. I've also never used XS before.
>>> Are there some instructions about how to do this available?
>> I'm sure I answered this on the mailing list, but can't find the mails;
>> I just committed some documentation that should at least get you
>> started; see lib/Wx/NewClass.pod. I think that wxRichTextPrinting should
>> be reasonably easy to wrap.
>> Regards,
>> Mattia

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