Steve Cookson wrote:


Mark Dootson said:
What does

aptitude show g++ | grep State:

give you?
Hi Mark,

Good point, I noticed that but I wan't sure it was important.  This is what
I get.

State: not installed.
I've now installed it (but I don't understand how it's been working up until
now).  Anyhow because I had already tried and failed, CPAN wasn't
comfortable doing an upgrade, so I did:

cpan>force get Wx

  wxRichTextPrinting is not (yet) in a CPAN release.  You should run:

$ svn co wxPerl
$ cd wxPerl
$ perl Makefile.PL
$ make
$ make install # or sudo make install

        Can't locate object method "new" via package "Wx::RichTextPrinting"
at (perhaps you forgot to load "Wx::RichTextPrinting")

This is expected, given that the change for wxRichTextPrinting are only in the Subversion repository.


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