
Well Wx::RichTextPrinting  seems to work on Windows, although I wasn't able
to test printing images, normal RichText formatting seemed to be OK.

Images works OK (at least on Preview) through the wxWidgets in c++, so I
imagine it will do in wxPerl.

I don't have full access to everything on Windows, so I need to continue my
testing on Linux.

My continued thanks for everything you've done.



-----Original Message-----
From: Steve Cookson [mailto:steve.cook...@sca-uk.com] 
Sent: 16 April 2010 22:03
To: 'Mattia Barbon'; 'Mark Dootson'
Cc: wxperl-users@perl.org
Subject: RE: How to add a new module to Wx

Hi Mark and Mattia,

First, a big thank you to both of you, Mark for the wrapping and Mattia for
surreptitiously updating it into the RichText demo.

I had similar difficulties to Alexander with updating the wxPerl, and so I
uninstalled Perl 5.8 and installed 5.10 and then reinstalled wx.  I avoided
the repository versioning problems by installing Wx-demo and allowing it to
chose it's own predecessors.

So I'll be spending next week working on it and trying to get a full RTC
printout.  I'll let you (or of course the wxWidgets people) know of anything
I find.

Thanks again and have a good weekend.



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