Hi all,

Long-time lurker (same situation as Sergei really), saw this discussion highlighted in Perl Weekly.

On 03/01/13 10:59, Johan Vromans wrote:
wxPerl = GUI desktop programs


To my mind this is the nub of it. Most things I find myself wanting to build these days suggest themselves most naturally as web services or mobile apps.

The other major point is the C/++ "requirement" that Mark highlighted. Really the wxPerl community has very little control of wxWidgets' "retrenchment" to the desktop.

But, to try and be positive...

What cool desktop apps do you all think that there's a real need for, for which wxPerl would be a good choice? I only have two ideas:

- An alternative to NVivo for tagging/coding texts for social sciences work. The only somewhat special requirement would be a widget that could render text and allow highlighting of words and phrases.

- Yet Another Desktop Podcatcher. You may groan, but Juice was a popular program in its time. Its development has since fallen by the way-side. I'd be interested in trying to make something that could fill that niche.

What else? It was interesting to read what Steve has been developing with the framework. Maybe there are work projects you can't talk about, but I raise the question because it's usually easier to get people enthused about outcomes than technologies.

My worry is that, irrespective of whatever internal problems it might have, the number of itches out there in the world for wxPerl to scratch is dwindling. What do you think?


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