On Sun, Jan 13, 2013 at 9:49 PM, Ryan Jendoubi <ryan.jendo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> My worry is that, irrespective of whatever internal problems it might have,
> the number of itches out there in the world for wxPerl to scratch is
> dwindling. What do you think?

Well, I would say that where-ever you have some of the following
wxPerl would be a good choice:

- a large output window, say greater than 15".
- an application that needs multiple cloned or redirected outputs like
a financial application with multiple monitors acting as one, or
something with an over-head projector.
- a networked application or multi-user database,  like applications
with report generation
- specific external devices that need specific device drivers (like
external cameras or document scanners), Skype, for instance is not
web-based, although many of its peripheral functions are.  It could
have been written in wxPerl (although it probably wasn't);
- the central admin side of any App.  Eg While Facebook works well on
Apps, I would bet that Facebook employees in Facebook inc don't use an
browser-based application.
- development applications, like er... Padre.

And if you're using wxPerl, you have Perl expertise and you can use
those same people to write websites.

And it's multiplatform!

It's such an economic win-win, I don't know why more people/companies
don't use it.

The ideal perfect language in an ideal world with our current level of
interface expectation (like iPad/Android etc), would be a
cross-platform friendly wxObjective-c (maybe with a .cox file-suffix
and a gox gnu compiler:) with cross-platform, interpreted
wxObjective-Perl for rapid deployment.

You'd be able to write web-pages, apps, desktop applications, have
access to cpan and stdlib and all cross-platform.

Happy dreaming!



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