On Fri, 2010-07-16 at 12:52 +0200, Heinz-M. Graesing wrote:
> Am 16.07.2010 06:21, schrieb Gerry Reno:
> >
> >
> > And you cannot make an "open core" project out of a derivative of a 
> > GPL work.  The "open core" part has to be in surrounding apps that 
> > themselves do not link to any GPL code whatsoever.
> >
> >
> Hello Gerry,
> hello list members,
> <snip>

> x2go has been and will ever be open source software. Furthermore it is 
> based on existing open source software. This is - in our eyes - the only 
> way x2go should be developed. Even more there is a vision / a target 
> which we want to reach some day, which will help a lot of other projects 
> -> getting the needed nx features realized using a modern xorg version. 
> The sources have ever been online and will stay there and they are used 
> by others like the maintainers of other distros (they could not build 
> their packages if not - f.e. Gentoo). Please don't mix the governance of 
> a project with the accuse of GPL violation.
> We can't answer every email on the list, but we are reading it. And if 
> you follow the development of x2go, you'll see that there is a big 
> accordance between the wishes / bugreports and the features of a new 
> release.
> I would suggest we should discuss the idea of drawing a line between 
> "mainstream", "contributions" and maybe "spins". We will definitly go on 
> developing x2go (mainstream) as a to itself compatible and complete 
> project. We will accept contributions in this branch, but they should be
> * in the mind of "the whole" idea of x2go (a server based computing 
> environment)
> * not be destroying work already done
> * maintainable by more than the submitting person
> * usable for more than one specific use case only
> * helping to make it possible to use recent xorg versions with the 
> nxlibs features
> * helping to get x2go inside debian
You certainly have our support and appreciation here at Pacifera.  I've
been biting my tongue (or should that be my fingers!) on this thread.  I
think you are receiving a lot of undeserved, unnecessary, and
distracting grief.

I can say I've been working with Heinz and Alex on and off for the last
two years and have found them pleasant, honest, and helpful.  As far as
I can see there is no hidden agenda, power mongering, control issues, or
even major financial incentive such as open core.  There is just the
very practical issue of two great guys with full time jobs trying to
contribute a big project to the world.  THANK YOU.

I can quite understand.  I maintain a languishing open source project
which, after eight years still does things no other security product can
do but I've not been able to take it forward.  I've had people volunteer
and there were just not enough hours in the day to even educate, guide,
and direct the volunteers.  Sometimes there are just not enough time.

Correspondingly, I've had to work harder on this project than others
(find the code, not always get answers to questions on the code in a
timely manner or at all) but, as a result, I've been able to contribute
and help pick up the slack rather than just consume.

So, as someone far outside the development team, let me say there are
not power issues here - just time issues.  Let's please minimize
distraction to Heinz and Alex and pick up the ball ourselves wherever
possible.  Thanks - John

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