
Well, using VCS doesn't mean that you are giving away power/leadership
of the project. Using VCS means saving a lot of time and being a lot
more productive, even if you do not accept any contribution of anybody.
I agree with most of your points, but I didn't read any reason against
using VCS. 
I'd love to work 1-2 hours per day on x2go, but NOT on source code that
is a couple of months or even years old and send tar.gz through e-mail
until the confusion is perfect and nobody knows who's talking about what
state/revision of the code. But it is all right if you don't want that
free gift.
And no, VCS is not just a way to download files that could also be put
in a .tar.gz - VCS is the one and only way to make structured open, fast
and reliable development possible. If you don't believe me, ask anybody
who has worked in a professional software project. 

Anyway, this is my last mail on this subject - I have offered you my
support and you don't want it for reasons I don't know.
Please do not complain if an "x2go-ng" project appears on github in the
next few months - I need to help myself and my clients - and well, I
have asked you before. 


Am Freitag, den 16.07.2010, 12:52 +0200 schrieb Heinz-M. Graesing:
> Am 16.07.2010 06:21, schrieb Gerry Reno:
> >
> >
> > And you cannot make an "open core" project out of a derivative of a 
> > GPL work.  The "open core" part has to be in surrounding apps that 
> > themselves do not link to any GPL code whatsoever.
> >
> >
> Hello Gerry,
> hello list members,
> Please have a look back in time. A few months before there was not much 
> traffic on this list and we've known every member of our community by 
> name and face. Our community mainly is and was Linux4Afrika and later 
> the german branch skolelinux  too.
> Both projects are known to be aware about what open source is and both 
> projects have choosen to use x2go. This is because they where able to 
> modify it to their needs and to adopt own ideas. Upstream in this case 
> means, that those modifications have been released in their projects, 
> because the changes have been very specific to their solutions.
> Now this situation changes and x2go is getting more popular. But there 
> are still a huge number of users (schools, institutions and companies) 
> who rely on x2go and it's compatibility. x2go has its own "history". 
> Every part of the new relase contains wishes from those and the people 
> on the list.
> x2go has been and will ever be open source software. Furthermore it is 
> based on existing open source software. This is - in our eyes - the only 
> way x2go should be developed. Even more there is a vision / a target 
> which we want to reach some day, which will help a lot of other projects 
> -> getting the needed nx features realized using a modern xorg version. 
> The sources have ever been online and will stay there and they are used 
> by others like the maintainers of other distros (they could not build 
> their packages if not - f.e. Gentoo). Please don't mix the governance of 
> a project with the accuse of GPL violation.
> We can't answer every email on the list, but we are reading it. And if 
> you follow the development of x2go, you'll see that there is a big 
> accordance between the wishes / bugreports and the features of a new 
> release.
> I would suggest we should discuss the idea of drawing a line between 
> "mainstream", "contributions" and maybe "spins". We will definitly go on 
> developing x2go (mainstream) as a to itself compatible and complete 
> project. We will accept contributions in this branch, but they should be
> * in the mind of "the whole" idea of x2go (a server based computing 
> environment)
> * not be destroying work already done
> * maintainable by more than the submitting person
> * usable for more than one specific use case only
> * helping to make it possible to use recent xorg versions with the 
> nxlibs features
> * helping to get x2go inside debian
> And (again):
> PLEASE use the list as communication tool! I received a lot of emails 
> about this topic in my private inbox. Keep your answers polite and help 
> this discussion to be productive.
> It would be nice to ask some questions first, before publishing your own 
> truth. For example:
> Why do you publish your code as tar.gz archive inside your repository?
> Sure there are tools on this earth that make some things easier. But not 
> using this tools don't means "forbidding" something like contributions. 
> John has already used the list for this purpose and as far as I know it 
> is already used by other users. We will use our online git as planned 
> and we'll always thankfully awaiting patches and contributions.
> To get back on the "communication issue": As far as I know "we" (or 
> anybody else) never had communicate a final result about "how open x2go 
> is". So this discussion needs to be done before accusing this project to 
> be "what ever the result will be".
> If you like to help other projects than x2go, please help them by 
> contributing and not by boycott this on. Nobody is forced to use x2go 
> and everybody can do whatever he want's to do as he can access the code.
> Regards,
> Alex & Heinz
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