Dear Jörg,

Am Freitag, den 16.07.2010, 15:27 +0200 schrieb Joerg Sawatzki:

> Well, using VCS doesn't mean that you are giving away power/leadership
> of the project. Using VCS means saving a lot of time and being a lot
> more productive, even if you do not accept any contribution of anybody.
> I agree with most of your points, but I didn't read any reason against
> using VCS.

that is because no reasons were stated.

> I'd love to work 1-2 hours per day on x2go, but NOT on source code that
> is a couple of months or even years old and send tar.gz through e-mail
> until the confusion is perfect and nobody knows who's talking about what
> state/revision of the code. But it is all right if you don't want that
> free gift.
> And no, VCS is not just a way to download files that could also be put
> in a .tar.gz - VCS is the one and only way to make structured open, fast
> and reliable development possible. If you don't believe me, ask anybody
> who has worked in a professional software project.

I heard stories about the development environments in professional
software projects in some companies. I guess you would run away
screaming. ;-)

> Anyway, this is my last mail on this subject - I have offered you my
> support and you don't want it for reasons I don't know.
> Please do not complain if an "x2go-ng" project appears on github in the
> next few months - I need to help myself and my clients - and well, I
> have asked you before.

I talked to Heinz at LinuxTag and read his answers. As far as I
understood, they are using a VCS (Git) already and they are going to
make it public!

But it will take them some time. So we could argue about the correct
order of the priority list, but I suggest to be patient a little more
and to be optimistic that this will happen soon.

Seeing all you people raring to go to get your hands dirty, I am looking
forward to all your contributions!



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