Thank you for making the code available.

As a long term Linux "open Core" developer
I find the tirade directed at the X2go team excessive!

We had made a commitment to Open our own product
However when you have a large scope in our case 500 apps
(Coming to the end of a 3yr that has stretched to 10 yr development)
the last thing you need is all the "would be better if you....type arguments"
by people who think they know "The right way!"

As software developers you need to focus on delivering your concept
to enable completion and  income generation.
Making the code available for extension is another development cycle.
with costs.
This tirade confirms our intention to only  release a Gratis (Compiled) package.

We should all respect the valuable contribution being made.
Keep up the very valuable work
to plug a large hole in the open core platform.

Ron Skeoch
MD,  Muli Management P/L.
Project Risk, Accounts & Process Management. 

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