----- Original Message -----
> Am 10.02.2011 21:25, schrieb --[ UxBoD ]--:
> > Alex,
> > 
> > I have spoken to the VcxSrv developer (Marc) today and it would
> > appear the multiwindow issue has been resolved :) I have tested
> > the latest build, which is available on Sourceforge, and have had
> > no issues; well I did have a crash but I believe that is due to
> > running XP under a VM.  Have rebooted everything and I can resize
> > very happily.
> > 
> > regards,
> > 
> > Phil
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> > X2go-dev@lists.berlios.de
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> Hello Phil,
> It's a great news! Unfortunately I've caught a flew and wasn't able
> to
> do something this weak, as I have promised. I'll try to make changes
> in
> x2goclient code next week.
> regards,
> alex

Alex, I found another issue with re-sizing in multiwindow and the developer of 
VcxSrv has resolved it. I believe we are pretty much there now as I have tried 
every screen size combination I could think off. The developer sent me a single 
binary to test, and hope to have the latest full build up on SF by the end of 
the week.

I also installed 3.01-14 on a clients home computer, that is ancient and very 
slow, using VcxSrv and the lady is jumping with joy! The combination of libssh 
and VcxSrv has resolved all her connection and performance issues.

Very exciting news indeed.


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