----- Original Message -----
> Am 16.02.2011 17:33, schrieb --[ UxBoD ]--:
> > Alex, I found another issue with re-sizing in multiwindow and the
> > developer of VcxSrv has resolved it. I believe we are pretty much
> > there now as I have tried every screen size combination I could
> > think off. The developer sent me a single binary to test, and hope
> > to have the latest full build up on SF by the end of the week.
> > 
> > I also installed 3.01-14 on a clients home computer, that is
> > ancient and very slow, using VcxSrv and the lady is jumping with
> > joy! The combination of libssh and VcxSrv has resolved all her
> > connection and performance issues.
> > 
> > Very exciting news indeed.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Phil
> Hello Phil,
> I've made some tests with latest VcXsrv today. It's look much better
> as
> last time. Multiwindow mode and resizing are working now. Embedding
> x-application not working correctly yet, but not crashing any more.
> I've
> build a new version of x2goclient, download it here:
> installer:
> http://www.x2go.org/~x2go/deb/windows/x2goclient-3.01-18-setup.exe
> src:
> http://www.x2go.org/~x2go/deb/windows/x2goclient_3.01-18.tar.gz
> With this version you can run custom X-server (see options in
> settings
> dialog). You can specify if you want to start X-Server on client or
> on
> sessions start. If you choose to start X-Server on sessions start,
> you
> can specify command line options for every session mode (windowed,
> fullscreen or single application). It should make much easier to
> testing
> vcxsrv with x2goclient.
> regards,

Oooooh :) Busily running to my desk to download it and give it a whirl :):) 
Thanks Alex.

I should add all the core VcxSrv work is being performed by the developer Marc. 
I really believe yourself and Heinz should contact him. Please feel free to 
email John or myself for his private email.

Oh, one other item which would be good to get added to the x2go code Alex is 
when the software is initially installed libssh requires a .ssh directory to be 
created at the same level as .x2go. This is for storing the known_hosts 
entries.  Without it an error is thrown and client side printing and shares 


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