I apologize. The problem was with my server.
With forwarding usb drive I understood.
When I used ltsp I tried to accelerate ssh. On the ssh_config server there
was a record ciphers arcfour. Therefore could not set connection with the
client on sshfs
Now directories and usb drive are visible on the server, but with the
Russian names of directories or files a problem is created.
usb flash forwarded on the server from the thin client:
directories and files with the Russian names are displayed approximately
so": 041d: lfjh:..... tt". New directories / files with the Russian names
are not created.

Forwarding directory /home/user/Документы from simple linux (not the thin
client) forwards empty directories. If I forward a directory in Latin, it
forwards it, but everything is farther as with the thin client. Names are
displayed not correctly, and nothing with the Russian names can be
created...: (

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