Am 21.01.19 um 15:14 schrieb Stroganov Roman:
> I will share the observations:
> I have 2 identical usb drive. One ntfs, other fat32. On both I create a
> directory "Новая папка" (new folder) and "новый файл.txt" (new file.txt)
> We connect both and we watch contents after mount in the console of the
> thin client:
> ls /media/ntfs_drive/
> Новая Папка  новый файл.txt  System Volume Information
> ls /media/fat32_drive/
> :041d:043e:0432:0430:044f :043f:0430:043f:043a:0430
> :043d:043e:0432:044b:0439 :0444:0430:0439:043b.txt   System Volume
> Information
> Later we go on the server.
> We open on the ntfs_drive server and we see normal Russian names of the
> file and a directory. It is possible to create new objects with the Russian
> names without problems. Checked even the Ukrainian alphabet. Everything is
> OK!

So NTFS-formatted drives work fine ...

> We open on the fat32_drive server. There is a directory": 041d: 043e:
> 0432:0430:044f: 043f: 0430:043f: 043a: 0430" and file": 043d: 043e:
> 0432:044b: 0439: 0444:0430:0439:043b.txt". It is impossible to create
> directories/files in Russian

My guess is that FAT32 (to be more precise: the vfat mount module)
doesn't support UTF-8 out of the box, and/or you're using some regional
charset (KOI8-R, maybe?) instead of UTF-8.  On a system that expects
UTF-8, this will cause confusion ...

What happens when you umount the VFAT drive (leave it plugged in) as
root, then mount it manually? Do the characters show up correctly now?

What happens when you use

mount -t vfat -o utf8 /dev/sda1 /media/fat32_drive


mount -t vfat -o utf8=0 /dev/sda1 /media/fat32_drive


mount -t vfat -o uni_xlate /dev/sda1 /media/fat32_drive

# (yes, that is uni_xlate, not unix_late)

Any change in the output?

Also, have a look at "man mount", look at the possible values for the
options "codepage", and "iocharset", see if you can change one of them
to make it work manually.

Do you have a regular Debian/Ubuntu Linux client where you can mount
this FAT32 flash disk and everything works as expected?

If so, on that machine, please run "mount | grep fat" once the flash
disk is mounted, and post the output.

If it just happens to be additional mount options, we could probably
support them somehow.

Kind Regards,
Stefan Baur

BAUR-ITCS UG (haftungsbeschränkt)
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