On Mar 29, 2007, at 09:46, Curt, WE7U wrote:
In other words go to 1.10 instead of 2.0, and make the next devel
version be 1.11?
This might muck with the TOCALL a bit. Right now we're sending
APX185. We'd need to send APX110 which would appear to be going
backwards in our revisions.
Good point. But we don't have to make that decision yet. We can go to
1.9.0 for now and as we step up we can decide when we approach 1.9.9
if it's time for a 2.0.0 release. (Of course having the foresight now
to work toward that major release might be worthwhile.)
Note this comes from someone who thus far has contributed nothing to
the code. Just a thought.
--de Chip (N1MIE) FN41bn
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