On 03/29/2007 09:46 AM, Curt, WE7U wrote:
> This might muck with the TOCALL a bit.  Right now we're sending
> APX185.  We'd need to send APX110 which would appear to be going
> backwards in our revisions.


Sheesh, Curt of all people you shouldn't be thinking so decimally.

APX1B0 ...

So you've got until 1.16.0 to worry.  :P


Steve Huston - W2SRH - Unix Sysadmin, Dept. of Astrophysical Sciences
  Princeton University  |    ICBM Address: 40.346525   -74.651285
    126 Peyton Hall     |"On my ship, the Rocinante, wheeling through
  Princeton, NJ   08544 | the galaxies; headed for the heart of Cygnus,
    (609) 258-7375      | headlong into mystery."  -Rush, 'Cygnus X-1'
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