On Tue, Oct 28, 2008 at 9:38 AM, Gerry Creager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Curt, WE7U wrote:
>> On Tue, 28 Oct 2008, Lee Bengston wrote:
>>> The only problems I have encountered with 64 bit linux versions is the
>>> lack of 64 bit plugins like java.  On my core 2 duo laptop, I didn't
>>> notice much speed difference between the 64 and 32 bit versions, so I
>>> just went with the 32.
>> Really?  It's reading/writing 8 bytes at a time instead of 4 to your
>> memory.  It should be faster.

64 bit was faster, but 32 still was pretty fast as well.

> My Core2Duo laptop is a real dog for performance.  I run the 64 bit Fedora
> on it but it's about to get a scrub and grow CentOS 5.2, for overall
> compatibility with the rest of my shop.  Maybe that'll prove a bit better,
> but I doubt it.  I believe there are problems in the processor
> implementation going deeper than the firmware/BIOS I'll have to solve.  My
> next laptop will be a Mac.

My Core2Duo (work) laptop (1.8GHz) isn't bad.  There are different
models of Core2Duo processors - with varying levels of cache.  There's
also the Pentium Dual Core, which has the least cache of them all.  I
tried Kubuntu 64 bit first, and I was able to install 32 bit java on
it, but it was a bit of a PITA as I recall.  When I switched to
openSUSE 10.3, I just went with 32 bit from the beginning to avoid the
plug-in issues, and it was not that much slower than Kubuntu 64 bit.

I'm kind of surprised to hear that a Core2Duo was a dog.  I also have
two home-built Core 2 Duo desktops using the dirt-cheap ECS
motherboards from Fry's (implying they might run even better with
different boards), and they both fly.  One is a WinXP box, and the
other is running Sabayon 3.5.  Xastir from CVS compiled fine in
Sabayon, by the way.

Lee - K5DAT
Murphy, TX
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