The only thing I'd like to warn about is that if you use ax25 to try and run
a soundmodem, well, I don't think it is really available for the Mac.  I've
found an AX25 package that some-one put together a few years ago but I have
no idea if it really works.  As for soundmodem -- Good luck.

I guess this only applies if you're trying to run in native mode using Fink
or MacPorts.  If you run Parallels and run Linux on it or load Linux under
bootcamp, then's its a different story.

-------Original Message-------
From: Steve/WM5Z
Date: 28/10/2008 9:05:39 AM
To: Xastir - APRS client software discussion
Subject: Re: [Xastir] Re: [linuxham] OT: Processors and Linux version
Gerry Creager wrote:
> My Core2Duo laptop is a real dog for performance.  I run the 64 bit
> Fedora on it but it's about to get a scrub and grow CentOS 5.2, for
> overall compatibility with the rest of my shop.  Maybe that'll prove a
> bit better, but I doubt it.  I believe there are problems in the
> processor implementation going deeper than the firmware/BIOS I'll have
> to solve.  My next laptop will be a Mac.
You won't be disappointed. My wife just bought one, and it is a
screamer. She can start hers, and by the time mine finishes with POST,
she is up and running. It is the Mac Book Pro. Really nice screen, good
resolution, nice audio (with headphones, no buzz or low end noise),
built in features that suit her needs, and can run some M$ stuff. Plus,
it can even make room for a Linux or windows partition. I wish I could
afford one. Fortunately, the company bought hers. When my Dell dies, I
will probably do likewise.
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