Hi All...the HowTo for Ubuntu _6.10 is excellent....use the 7.04 info 
and it will work on 8.04 no problems.....just done a reinstall of 8.04 
on a h/d as im having problems with the new 8.10
if you use the CVS for th d/l and setup and you need to update there 
will be a file in the main dir update-xastir....ive used this to do 
updating many times...works very well

73 David VK4BDJ

Lee Bengston wrote:
> The 1.94 source package (I assume you downloaded the stable version)
> requires various libraries to be installed before it will compile.
> The binary has been build for Ubuntu as is, so it is expected to work
> without installing any additional packages.
> http://www.xastir.org/wiki/index.php/HowTo:Ubuntu_6.10
> The link above has a HowTo that should be close to what you need.
> One suggestion: instead of using apt-get install, use adept or
> synaptic and search for the packages starting with the section labeled
>  "start installing packages".  If you don't find the package using the
> exact name in the HowTo, use part of the name, and see what it finds.
> Most of the packages will not be changed, but some may be different.
> One in particular is libdb4.4-dev, which was already up to
> libdB4.6-dev in Ubuntu 8.04.  It may still be version 4.6 in 8.10, or
> it could be a newer version
> The HowTo includes the CVS procedure, but the same packages to any any
> source code version of Xastir.
> Have fun,
> Lee - K5DAT
> On Mon, Nov 10, 2008 at 11:32 AM, roger g6ckr <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi.
>> I'm the He mentioned.
>> I have the 1.9.3 binary now running.
>> But for a compile of 1.9.4get loads of complaints from the make stage
>> ending in an error 2 last line.
>> I notice there are a few problems with Ubuntu 8.10 (upgraded from 8.04)
>> which I will read through before jumping at the CVS route.
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