On Wed, 2008-11-12 at 15:09 -0700, Tom Russo wrote:
> On Wed, Nov 12, 2008 at 09:58:36PM +0000, we recorded a bogon-computron 
> collision of the <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> flavor, containing:
> > On Wed, 2008-11-12 at 21:18 +0000, roger g6ckr wrote:
> > > On Wed, 2008-11-12 at 10:27 -0800, Curt, WE7U wrote:
> > > > On Tue, 11 Nov 2008, roger g6ckr wrote:
> > > > 
> > > > > Warning:
> > > > >    Name: create_appshell text_output
> > > > >    Class: XmTextField
> > > > >    Character '\41' not supported in font.  Discarded.
> > > > 
> > > > In the FAQ.
> > > > 
> > > Thanks.
> > > Also at the bottom of the Ubuntu HowTo page.
> > > will be logging out and back to test shortly.
> > > I assume it will work with GB as well as US.
> > > Roger
> > Additional info.
> > Tried changing from
> > LANG="en_GB.UTF-8"
> > to
> > LANG="en_GB"
> > 
> > and logged out and back in the result was the same
> > So I tried 
> > LANG="en_US" still the same.
> The /etc/environment file mentioned in the Ubuntu HowTo page seems not to 
> matter
> anymore in Ubuntu 8.04.  That is, it seems never to be read and the 
> environment
> is never set from it. (You can check --- do an ls -lu on the file and you'll
> find that it's never read on reboot and login.)
> To get the same effect, you can create a launcher that does:
>  env LANG="en_GB" xastir 
> instead of just "xastir", and that'll do the trick.  It'll change the language
> setting ONLY for the process running xastir, and the annoying X messages go
> away.
> Ever since I upgraded to 8.04 I had to do this.  I have yet to find any 
> file in /etc that allows me to customize the language properly, nor have I
> figured out (or really tried to figure out) what file gets scribbled when
> one uses the GUI interface to set the language (which does not give you the
> option to drop the UTF-8 from your current setting).
> If you figure it out, lemme know, because it's one of those annoyances about
> the upgrade I simply haven't bothered to work through, just work around.
That makes me feel a bit better I had reached the similar conclusion and
just done in in the shell (after a few Googled prompts)
The whole output is pasted in case there are any other bits that need


***** WARNING *****
Berkeley DB header files/shared library file do NOT match!
Disabling use of the map cache.
 Header file: Sleepycat Software: Berkeley DB 4.4.20: (February 24,
Library file: Berkeley DB 4.7.25: (May 15, 2008)
***** WARNING *****

Built-in map types:
      gnis   USGS GNIS Datapoints
       map   APRSdos Maps
       map   WinAPRS/MacAPRS/X-APRS Maps
       pdb   PocketAPRS Maps

Support for these additional map types has been compiled in: 
       geo   Image Map (ImageMagick/GraphicsMagick library, many formats
       geo   URL (Internet maps via libcurl library)
       shp   ESRI Shapefile Maps (Shapelib library)
       xpm   X Pixmap Maps (XPM library)
festival_client: connect to server failed
SayText: Couldn't open socket to Festival
Warning: locale not supported by C library, locale unchanged
Indexing maps...
Finished indexing maps
*** Reading WX Alert log files
*** Done with WX Alert log files

73 Roger

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