On Sun, 16 Nov 2008, Tyler Parsons wrote:

> I had a working Xastir version 1.9.1 under Ubuntu 8.04. I upgraded to
> 8.10 and all the "geo" links stopped working - Tiger maps, Terraserver, etc.
> I reloaded a completely fresh 8.10, downloaded Xastir 1.9.1 via
> synaptic, and still got the same problem with the on-line maps. There is
> a note in the Ubuntu Forums that this seems to be a problem. Something
> about wget and libcurl not being found.
  I just went thru this in the last 48 hours.  Did you read the previous 
messages in this thread?

to recap, here's the Ubuntu 8.10 quickstart:

(as user)
   sudo apt-get remove xastir
   sudo apt-get build-dep xastir
   sed s:/usr/share:/usr/local/share:g .xastir/config/xastir.cnf
   wget http://downloads.sourceforge.net/xastir/xastir-1.9.4.tar.gz
   tar -xzvf xastir/xastir-1.9.4.tar.gz
   cd xastir-1.9.4
   ./configure CPPFLAGS="-I/usr/include/geotiff"
   sudo make install
   cd ..

   That'll give you 1.9.4, the current stable release.

   For the nitty-gritty details and explanation, and also if you wish to go 
right to the bleeding edge with CVS, see:


Rick Green N8BJX

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little
temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."
                                   -Benjamin Franklin

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