Sorry to revive this, but I have a question about external DNS since I am
thinking of trying it now.

On the Cluster Name Resolution wiki page (
under 'Option #2: Use a DNS That is Outside of the Cluster' it says: "If
you already have a DNS on your site network and you want to use that for
your cluster node names too, you can point all of the nodes to it. You must
ensure that your nodes have IP connectivity to the DNS, and you must
manually configure your DNS with the node hostnames and IP addresses."

What does it mean that "you must manually configure" the hostnames and IP
addresses? Does 'makedns -e' not do that for you, just like it would if DNS
were running locally on the MN itself by just parsing /etc/hosts and
adding/pushing it to the (remote) DNS zone files for you?

In my case I may even be migrating my existing DNS zone files and
"/etc/named.conf" config onto a new VM and bring up DNS there and just add
any new hosts. But I would be surprised if makedns -e doesn't add the
hostnames and IPs for you. Can anyone who has used the external DNS option
with xCAT speak to that?


On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 5:13 PM, Christopher Samuel

> Hash: SHA1
> On 17/01/14 04:00, Josh Nielsen wrote:
> > If it just something with our installation or does makedns do this
> > foe other people as well?
> FWIW we do not run DNS on the management nodes at all, we have 4
> separate xCAT built clusters (3 HPC clusters and 1 for our GPFS/TSM
> infrastructure and our BG/Q service and front ends) and so to let them
> all populate DNS with a single, consistent view we have two external
> DNS servers that they all send updates to with "makedns -e".
> One kink I think we've noticed there is that even with makedns -e xCAT
> seems to start up bind on the local system which isn't what we want at
> all.
> Good luck!
> Chris
> - --
>  Christopher Samuel        Senior Systems Administrator
>  VLSCI - Victorian Life Sciences Computation Initiative
>  Email: Phone: +61 (0)3 903 55545
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