2014-03-07 11:59 GMT+01:00 Yves Gaudemer <gaude...@ipgp.fr>:
> Thanks to all for your help ! I looked into into the Informal Math font but 
> the price seemed too high for me at that time. As for the mathastext package 
> Axel mentions, I have tried it here on the iMac at the university : it works 
> fine. I'll try it this evening at home on the MBPro. I am still wondering why 
> my preamble works on the iMac and not on the MBPro, when the TeX distribution 
> is identical on both machines.
If you send a minimal sample and include the log file, someone may be
able to help. It is often usefu to add \listfiles above
\documentclass, it causes (Xe)LaTeX to output additional information
containing the versions of all files used.

> Thanks again, Yves
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Zdeněk Wagner

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