Hi Phil,

On Jul 14, 2016, at 10:02 PM, Philip Taylor 
<p.tay...@rhul.ac.uk<mailto:p.tay...@rhul.ac.uk>> wrote:

Hallo David, and thank you for your suggestions.  I have now found the 
following :

1) The primary cause of the displacement is the PDF/X-1A:2003 specials -- 
remove these, and the page returns to its normal vertical position, but shifted 
outwards (leftwards) somewhat;
2) The use of \usepackage {color} within e-plain's \beginpackages ... 
\endpackages; in TeX Live 2016, this makes the page size considerably wider, 
IFF the PDF/X-1A specials are not emitted.

The displacement is visible both in TeXworks viewer and in Adobe Acrobat.

I think what you are seeing is due to the  /CropBox settings.
A PDF viewer shows the contents of the cropped area,
scaling to fill either the width or height or both.

There are 2 kinds of test that you can do.

1.  Print a few pages of your document, once with the \specials, once without.
    Is there any difference in the position of your content on the printed page?

2. Vary the numbers in  /CropBox [ a b c d ] ;
    such that (a,b) is bottom-left  and  (c,d)  is top-right corners of a 
    Values such as  [ 200 200 300 300 ] should crop to a small-ish portion of a 
    which is then scaled up to fit your window-size.
   Observe the value of your browser’s scaling factor.

   With different values of [ a b c d ] you can simulate vertical and 
horizontal shifts,
to a small extent, according to how much smaller the /CropBox is, compared to
the /MediaBox.

Does this interpretation agree with what you observe?

A4 is indeed the default in both, and the difference between A4 and letter is 
only 3/4", whereas it appears to require a 1" correction ...

** Phil.



Dr Ross Moore

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