Hi again David,

On Jul 15, 2016, at 9:19 AM, Ross Moore 
<ross.mo...@mq.edu.au<mailto:ross.mo...@mq.edu.au>> wrote:

Hi David,

There is a potential conflict with  pdfx.sty  setting the  /MediaBox .

OK, I see what is going on now.
You are allowing a colored rectangle to be drawn the size of the page,
to support coloured pages, yes?

Nothing to do with the PDF Boxes, except of course you want the sizes
to match; especially when a  \mag  is used.

what does \usepackage [nosetpagesize]{color} do?

Is there a mechanism similar to  \hypersetup  that allows the options to be 
*after* the package has been loaded?

OK; it just sets a boolean flag.

Alternatively, can I detect whether the  pagesize  special has been done 
Then not repeat specifying  /MediaBox  when setting the other boxes:  
which are required for PDF/X validation.

If not loaded yet, I can do  \PassOptionsToPackage{nosetpagesize}{color} .
But I’ll want to catch the case also if it is loaded.

Looks like this won’t be necessary.
The question now will be how having such colored pages affects validation.
Hopefully not at all, for PDF/X and PDF/A.

Maybe PDF/UA, according to the actual colors, but that would be a visual check 
not automated.

Thanks for a new code-branch to try out.



Dr Ross Moore

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