Ross Moore wrote:
> One of my messages answered this.
> It is so that  \setpagecolor  can work correctly.
> A coloured rectangle is drawn, at the size of the full page.
>  \shipout  is patched to do it on every page.
OK, that makes sense ('though I would argue that it should be the author's 
responsibility to set page size, and the package should assume that the author 
has done so correctly prior to loading the package), but I still do not know 
from where it is taking what it believes (wrongly, in my case) to be the page 
size.  In other words, rather than using :

    \input eplain
        \usepackage [nosetpagesize] {color}   

what should I be setting prior to using package {color} in order to communicate 
my intended page size to package {color} ?

And why does :

    \input miniltx
    \input color

/not/ change my page size ?

** Phil.

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