not APM, switching back to X from console! If this works I'm fine.

Whatever. :)

no no! for me it's clear now it has nothing to do wit PM. I tried 1) with kernel with no APM and 2) turning off BIOS's PM -> problem is still there. I cant get back to X from console after ctrl+alt+F2. Both in hi- and lo-res console.

OK, I am beginning to understand the whole concept of XFree. What you
mean is to come back to 2.4.1, remove old xlibmesa3 2.4.1 and
install only xlibmesa-gl1-dri-trunk.

but then I have to forget about the full 4.3 as well, because I doubt it will be fixed there... :(

I just compiled it myself


to learn the thing.

and think if to install it along the old one or not...

I don't understand what you mean here.

I was thingking to have both wersions for tests. BTW. How do I chose yet now which version (dri-trunk or old) I start with startx? Just XFree_xxx complains about priviliges and I dont want to run X as root).


Dominik Szczerba, Dr.
ETH, Gloriastr. 35
CH-8092 Zurich
ii swear i never use vi^[:wqZZ

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